Assoc. Prof. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD. from the Department of Mathematical Methods and Operations Research of Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina, participated in the symposium organized by the Institute for Excellence in Internationalization titled “Improving Teaching and learning Together: Sharing Educational Initiatives and Student Experiences”, held on January 26th-27th, where he met with colleagues from mainly HEI institutions:

University of Minnesota, US, Palacký University Olomouc, CZ, University of Hradec Kralove, CZ, the Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, FI, University of Ostrava, CZ and Charles University, CZ. This was a nice opportunity to introduce them the TEACH4EDU4 project.

Project and project booklet was also introduced to Mrs Eva Janebová, director of the Institute for Excellence in Internationalization (IEI) at Palacký University (IEI) (on the picture).